14 Great Places to Start an Urban Center of Influence

  1. Near the city centerfollowing the example of the Life and Hope Center, in Haifa, Israel, in the busiest area.
  2. Near a universitylike the one the F5 Climbing Center is next to—with 400,000+ students enrolled.
  3. Near a public transportation hublike the Harvest Adventist Center in Hong Kong built over the city's most central metro station.
  4. Near a busy city parklike the Bryant Park Life Hope Center in New York City, by a park that draws 12 million people a year.
  5. Near a famous tourist attractionas has been done at the Butterfly Paradise in Siem Reap, near Cambodia's number one tourist attraction.
  6. On a large, busy street in the financial districtwhere God led members to start a Hope Channel UCI in Buenos Aires.
  7. In a vanlike the Wellness on the Go van, offering massages, blood pressure checks, and more in New York City.
  8. In a busy malljust as members have done with The Art Space, near Chicago, inviting kids and adults to come be creative.
  9. Near the population that you wish to serveas done by Cero Church in Madrid, Spain serving unhoused residents in the neighborhood.
  10. In a megacity
    like the Ramses Cultural Center in Cairo, offering a preschool, dental clinic, fitness center, and more.
  11. In a capital citylike the ADRA center in Vienna, and at the community medical center in a former bar in Chisinau.
  12. At a non-urban vacation destination city residents flock toas was done at the Manna Haven Cafe, with award-winning food and good literature in Byron Bay.
  13. At a quiet, country retreat for city dwellers concerned about their healthsuch as "VitaSalus Wellness Center" in Penela, Portugal, some miles outside of Lisbon
  14. At the location God opens up to you when you praywhich is how Yanagi Square got its start in Tokyo.