
Mission to the Cities is a part of Reach the World

The Mission to the Cities initiative is part of the "I Will Go" 2020-2025 strategic focus of "Reach the World," the strategic plan voted by the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Mission to the Cities operates under the Global Mission Urban Center in partnership with the Global Mission Centers and Adventist Mission. One way the Office of Adventist Mission contributes to the Mission to the Cities Initiative is to focus on making disciples among the urban, unreached people groups. Through our members' sacrificial giving to Global Mission offerings, funding is available to start new groups of believers, and Life Hope Centers, using "Christ's Method Alone" to make disciples.

The GC "Reach the World" strategic plan has various initiatives which aim to help church members REACH UP, REACH ACROSS, and REACH OUT. Comprehensive Health Ministry, Mission to the Cities, and Total Member Involvement come under the category of REACH OUT. Other initiatives within the Reach the Word strategic plan include Believe His Prophets, United in Prayer, and Revival and Reformation.

Learn Best Practices for Reaching People in Cities

Operating under the Global Mission Urban Center, this Mission to the Cities website offers an introduction to reaching urban areas for Christ, along with resources for that task. To further grow in understanding of how to reach urban populations for Christ, visit Global Mission Urban Center website and register.

Learn How to Start a Life Hope Center

In partnership with the Global Mission Urban Center and Mission to the Cities, the UrbanCenters.org website provides resources for use in starting Life Hope Centers, as well as training materials which can be used by the centers to meet community needs, from heart health and fitness to money management and resume writing skills. Get tips on finding funding, on event planning, and access course materials by registering here.

Follow Mission to the Cities on Twitter to Stay Updated on:

  • Training and other events
  • Mission to the Cities projects worldwide
  • Stories of new Life Hope Centers
  • Ideas for reaching and contributing to the wellbeing of those in your city
  • News and research on urban trends to help you understand the city you serve

Spanish, Portuguese, French Mission to the Cities Resources

Visit MissiontotheCities.org/español to access Mission to the Cities resources in Spanish, MissiontotheCities.org/português for Portuguese, and MissiontotheCities.org/français for French.

Contact us

If you have questions or need additional information, you can reach us here.